6 Reasons You Should Exercise as a Couple

Why do we like exercising with others?

Easy — the camaraderie, the support, the motivation, the like-mindedness, heck, even the ability others have to get our minds off how tough it is sometimes.

So it should go without saying that working out with someone close to you has even more benefits — including a host of them for your relationship. Yes, it turns out that exercising with your significant other has some significant positive effects on you both!

How, exactly? We’ve rounded up 6 reasons exercising with your partner can be a bonding experience and a way to keep you on-track.

1) Happy and healthy go together like you and your loved one.
Doing a regular fitness routine with your partner makes you happy. And we’re not just saying that — there’s real science behind it. A study released in 2000 found that couples who did physical activity together reported greater overall satisfaction with their relationship in general.

In 2012 Dr. Jane Greer, New York–based marriage and relationship psychotherapist and author, told YouBeauty.com, “When a couple works out together, the actual exercise itself can physically and emotionally have a positive impact. … Both partners come away with feelings of synchronicity, cooperative spirit, and shared passion. Then you throw in some spicy endorphins, and it can be a real power trip for the relationship.”
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