The Question Everybody Has To Ask: Should I Sleep With Him On The First Date?

Everyone at one point has had to consider that all pervasive question: should I sleep with him on the first date? Like anyone at the beginning of a relationship, she has to ask herself, what does she want out of this relationship and will he still call her in the morning, whatever she decides.

The answer to that question depends. To begin with, you must have a few things in order so you can feel good about yourself the morning after, no matter what happens. Be very clear about your expectations. If you want to have a sexual romp because you're in the mood, haven't had sex in quite a while, find your guy attractive, and want to exercise your sexual freedom, then, as long as you are aware that this one night may be all you share together, you can decide to go ahead with an open mind and clear conscience. It's important for you to think about this before the date so you can take responsibility and practice safe sex. This way you won't wind up feeling pressured or caught off-guard which can lead to taking risks.

But if this is a guy you'd really like to get to know better and would like to see again, it may be best to hold off on getting sexually involved because many times first-date sex for guys means something entirely different from what it means to women. The guys can have sex and consider it a "great date," but it doesn't necessarily mean that they want to get to know you better.  In fact, for some guys the sexual encounter may be enough for them, and then they are ready to move on and meet someone new. So, unless you are completely comfortable with the fact that you may never hear from the guy again and that's fine with you, you are probably better off waiting, at least for date two!


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